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Settling In: Highlighting 50 Years of Kitimat's History

Dominion Day/Canada Day

"Frolic, Flags, Fun, Food, Fair, Floats"
Kitimat Celebrates Dominion Day/Canada Day

"Tradition held Dominion Day for celebrations here with azure blue skies and sun which lifted the mercury to 75 degrees, browning a crowd estimated at close to 4,000 along the parade route and at Riverlodge observances.  Kitimat has never had a wet or even cloudy Dominion Day in the last eight years."  Northern Sentinel, July 2, 1964

Everyone in Kitimat participated in the annual parade that wound its way from Nechako Centre to City Centre and the lower parking lot.  Once the Haisla Hill Climb and soapbox races on Kuldo were established and the YMCA constructed, the parade route changed to City Centre, Quatsino, and Columbia, to the Y and all the festivities there.

Community Events - Kitimat

Parade Floats - Portugal - Luso Canadian

Haisla Hill Climb Start

Haisla Hill Climb start flag and an old Ford, July 1st, 1964.

The 100 Mile Swim

100-Mile Centennial Swim by Kitimat youth

Men Holding Flag for Contest Entry

Kitimat men hold their "Flag of Canada" contest entry, July 1st, 1964.

July 1st Celebration

RCMP officer Frank Gleadon on his horse, July 1st, 1968.

Ad in paper outlining 1957 Parade Route and Schedule

Dominion Day parade route for July 1st, 1957 published in the Northern Sentinel. 

Songwriter Art Grant from Kitamaat Village

Art Grant, famed country songwriter from Kitamaat Village, at the Dominion Day celebration, July 1st 1955, won this monkey in bingo at the Elks' Carnival.  "Maybe I'll write a song about him..." 

Miss Kitimat on Alcan Float

Alcan float with Miss Kitimat contestants, Dominion Day parade, July 1, 1957

Float Decorated as Viking Ship

An original float designed as a Viking ship and manned by members of the troop was entered by the Wolf Cub pack of Kitamaat, July 1, 1957. 

Kim Creed on Stilts in Parade

Kim Creed on stilts advertises Kitimat Pharmacy and Volunteer Firefighter Max Patzelt as Donald Duck promotes "All's Ready", July 1, 1957. 

Dominion Day Celebrations at Nechako Centre

Annual gathering at Nechako Centre on Dominion Day.  The audience is treated to a day of entertainment from the temporary stage, July 1, 1956

Soap Box Derby Entrant

Soap Box Derby winner Brian Jarvis in car 26, July 1, 1957.

Decorated Bike Winner

Boys' first prize awarded for a decorated bicycle, July 1, 1957. 

Dominion Day Celebrations

Soap Box Derby, sponsored by Rotary, RCMP assisting, Dominion Day, Kuldo Hill, photographed June 25, 1959. 

High jump

Track and field meet, high jump, July 1, 1958. 

Dominion Day Celebrations

YMCA stenographer Muriel Richel polishes up eleven challenge trophies for the Dominion Day Track and Field Meet, Nechako School grounds, July 1, 1958.